Courage does not mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you.

Team Coaching

Transform Relationships

Leadership thrives on collaboration


Create a team that works great together

Building a cohesive team that excels in collaboration is a complex endeavor. Achieving innovation, fostering a thriving business, nurturing talent, shaping team dynamics, cultivating a vibrant company culture, and ensuring every voice is heard within the organization pose significant challenges.

Effective leadership demands unwavering courage, steadfast commitment, and robust communication. The journey of any business entails navigating both successes and setbacks, emphasizing the shared responsibility of leadership within the team.

Despite the daunting nature of this task, there is hope. I stand ready to assist your team in enhancing its dynamics, ultimately fostering a high-performing team within a supportive organizational culture.

My objective is to reignite passion in the workplace through transformative relationship-building. I aim to foster a sense of unity within your team, creating a psychologically safe environment where authenticity thrives, unburdened by preconceived notions of how individuals ought to operate or communicate. This paves the way for team members to feel valued, respected, and accountable.

My strategy is centered around cultivating a culture inspired by systems thinking from within your team, driven by collaborative leadership. I firmly believe that leadership is a collective role shared among team members. This approach is paramount in establishing psychological safety, enhancing productivity, and fueling innovation, all while championing continuous learning and collaboration. My mission is to empower your team with a foundation of shared leadership, facilitating growth by disrupting the status quo and transforming team dynamics.


Successful teams are built on strong relationships. Teams that collaborate effectively also progress collectively.


Indicators that suggest your team could gain from team coaching include:

  • Evolution in Company Dynamics: Company expansion or growth introduces new workflows, leaving team members grappling with adapting to these changes and collaborating effectively.

  • Uncertainty and Ambiguity: Amidst positive trajectory and business growth, the need for guidance to propel your team to the next phase becomes apparent.

  • Negative Communication Patterns: The stresses and demands accompanying growth may lead to strained communication, fostering a toxic atmosphere characterized by tension, blame-shifting, and pessimism.

  • Roles and Responsibilities in Flux: Shifting or unclear roles within the team require clarity to inspire and incentivize team members effectively.


I understand that when there is a lack of alignment, it often fosters an environment characterized by tension, blame, a void in ownership or accountability, and detrimental communication patterns. Consequently, clients, overall company productivity, and profitability are impacted negatively, resulting in substantial costs.

Insufficient communication and unclear role definitions contribute to employee disengagement, frequent turnover, and substantial expenses related to recruitment and training. In my coaching approach, I emphasize establishing an environment of openness, collaboration, and participative decision-making using Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching. This method aims to empower teams in cultivating a culture of inspiration and developing the necessary skills to achieve significant outcomes.


enhancing your performance through Team Coaching:

Team coaching enhances performance by fostering robust relationships among team members, leading to a leadership approach inspired by system dynamics. It elevates your team's effectiveness by enhancing awareness of the relational network steering your organization through the following methods:

  1. Recognize and leverage individual strengths and growth opportunities to empower, engage, and unleash the full potential of each team member.

  2. Define a collective vision, shared values, clear objectives, and strategies for the team.

  3. Empower all voices, foster interdependence, and construct cohesive teams of motivated individuals eager to collaborate and achieve shared success.

  4. Define roles, responsibilities, expectations, and operational boundaries within the team to boost cooperation and drive progress.

  5. Transform obstacles into chances for growth. Guide your team through conflicts, viewing them as indicators signaling a need for change.

  6. Cultivate productive partnerships founded on trust, respect, and mutual understanding.

  7. Foster a positive culture by cultivating a space that embraces diversity and nurtures curiosity.

  8. Cultivate a culture of ongoing learning and development for high-performing teams.


In my team coaching program:

I offer a blend of coaching sessions and workshops designed to guide you and your team from a state of stagnation, fatigue, and conflict to a place of enhanced clarity, vitality, and motivation. Through structured sessions, we will establish a coherent strategy, defined roles, and effective communication techniques, fostering heightened productivity and profitability.


Great relationships within teams generate success!


I view individuals within organizations as emotional beings, experiencing a range of emotions, aspirations, dreams, and fears.

The teams I collaborate with are characterized by their innovation, professionalism, success, ambition, and determination. While brimming with creative ideas, they encounter challenges in adapting to change, managing relationships, and seek assistance in expanding their business. They aim to identify defined roles, establish a shared vision, and implement a structured framework to propel their company forward to new heights.


Now is the moment to embrace the excitement of crafting something greater within your organization.


Together, let's provide your team with a clear purpose to inspire innovative ideas that will shift your organization from mere survival to flourishing.


the process:

The Team Coaching Program I offer is a year-long commitment and encompasses the following components:

  1. Systems Entry: Reveal how your team is ‘breathing’ – identify communication strengths and areas for improvements.

  2. One on one interviews: I will conduct a series of interviews with team members, leaders, and any stakeholders to negotiate and design the type of services needed.

  3. Online assessment(s): Your team members will also complete Individual online assessments to establish a compelling rationale for change and reveal leadership development efforts.

  4. Structuring the Partnership:

    • Alignment coaching

    • Understanding toxic communication and your natural default when in conflict

    • Setting boundaries

    • Having difficult conversations to hear what you’ve not been saying to each other

    • Defining external + internal roles

    • Setting expectations

    • Understanding what is impacting the team relationship

  5. Action Plan and Completion


Based on the results of the interviews and online assessments, I’ll share recommended tools and action plans to set your organization up for success in increasing performance and productivity. In this stage, we will work together through the following process:

  1. Creation and Delivery Co-create and design training or workshops to address your teams’ needs.

  2. Training Delivery — I'll deliver the training, facilitate deep conversations, fun and engaging activities that will create deep learning and growth for your team members and system as a whole.


Collaboration is not easy. It takes a lot of courage, transparency, open communication, dedication, and commitment to get separate groups to work together in harmony. It’s hard work to create a unified system of many different personalities.

It’s tough and it’s possible, and I can help you achieve this. Together we’ll create a plan and strategy to address your challenges by focusing on the areas that need the most attention, becoming aware of your blind spots by having open, honest, and sometimes uncomfortable conversations.


Are you interested in working with me to create clarity, inspiration and purpose?


Excellent! Here’s how to get started.


Step 1: Schedule a free consultation call here.

Step 2: During our call we’ll discuss your needs and desired outcomes. I’ll get the paperwork settled, and schedule our kickoff. 

Step 3: You’ll get a proposal based on what we discussed and start our coaching adventure from there.


Have questions?

If you’d like to talk through any aspect of the program, schedule a call with me here.