Courage does not mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you.

One on One Coaching

Let’s do this together!


You’ve always been an achiever

You’re doing pretty good in life. You have a pretty successful career and a good handle on your personal life.  You’re strong, resilient, and everyone always depends on you. You like making people happy.    

But there’s a growing feeling of unhappiness bubbling up inside you.  It seems like you’re serving everyone else more than yourself and your needs.  You’ve always been an achiever, but lately, you feel like something’s missing.  Maybe it’s exhaustion, frustration, loneliness or dissatisfaction with where you are in your career or in your life, compared to where you want to be.  

Feeling like you’re living your life on purpose — hmmm, what’s that?  Sounds like fantasy more than a possibility in real life? Sounds about right? But here is the thing, it can be a reality — your reality.  

Maybe you wish you could find meaningful work that inspires you and where you can achieve financial freedom.  You’d love to be able to let go of those sabotaging thoughts that you’re not good enough or experienced enough and finally feel confident and find your purpose.  

You sometimes feel lost, unsure about what you want to do next, and frustrated because you don’t even know what needs to change.  But you know something needs to change.  


Freedom To Be You

It's okay to feel frustrated about not having it all figured out.  And it’s okay to want to take care of everyone else in your life, but it’s time to start prioritizing your needs and discover what lights the fire underneath you.

Free yourself to dream, explore, and be your true self. 

As tiring and frustrating as it sounds, you’re in charge, and you get to choose what you want to do in order to achieve a life of happiness and fulfilment, and guess what, I want to help you do it.  

One on one coaching program will change the way you live your life by helping you create a new mindset about yourself and your life circumstances. 

You’ll learn how to break through roadblocks and work through specific topics that have kept you stuck and prevented you from living your most fulfilling life



Imagine you’re confidently articulating what makes you come alive.  Imagine setting boundaries with others without worrying about what they will think.     

You’re living a purposeful life and know you’re good enough and you’ll be successful because you have committed to achieving the life you want.  You’re smart, capable, and have the fierce courage to speak your voice and own who you are.    

You feel a million pounds lighter because you finally know what it’s like to finally be free to simply be you.  

What a liberating feeling to feel free, happy with your life choices, and knowing you’re living your life on purpose.  

You’re living your excellence and accomplishing something you have always dreamed about.  And everyone around you can feel your positivity and your vibrant energy.    

It feels so good to be in your skin. 

No this isn’t a dream, it can be your reality. It’s all within your reach.

Dare to dream even bigger. Create your dream life — the kind you only imagined was real in fairytales. You are your own prince charming — you’ll save yourself. Finding your purpose will allow you to have more time, inspire creativity and innovation, and have more empathy and compassion for those around you. You’ll be able to give more of yourself to others because you take care of yourself and your needs. You’ll be able to learn more, travel more, experience more joy in your life.

Are you ready to make this change? Are you inspired to create? Let’s do this.


One-on-one coaching is a 3-month commitment where you’ll go from feeling stuck, not good enough, uninspired, frustrated to a state of feeling happy, energized, joyous, inspired, motivated, and free to be who you want to be.  


So, why should you work with me?

It’s quite simple.

I’m a coach and have been in your shoes. I was a hyper-achiever, people-pleasing, perfectionist who was frustrated, angry, uninspired, and stuck.  Not really sure what my purpose was or how to begin figuring it out.  

I was trying to do it all, get as many degrees as I can to validate my worth, ticking off all the boxes, and trying to be a superwoman in the process, which by the way, I thought was a good thing.  The joke was on me.  All that did was create more dissatisfaction and other negative feelings inside of me.  

Eventually, I realized that trying to please and impress everyone was impossible, and I never really took time to impress myself or figure out what really makes ME happy. I realized there was another way, but it was up to me to make the changes to live the life I wanted. And I want to help other women do the same.  

I work with women who are tired of playing superwoman and feeling like they’re not enough. Women who lack the confidence to play bigger in life, are exhausted from constantly trying to prove their worth to themselves and others. They’re tired of the rat race and trying hard to balance their work and life. 

I help them get clear on their purpose so that they can lead a more fulfilling life and feel free to be themselves.


The benefits you will get from working one-on-one with me:

  • Feel more confident.

  • Have clarity about your values and your purpose. 

  • Feel excited about the future.  

  • Create more time for yourself.

  • Learn how to respond to your inner critics.

  • Learn how to set effective boundaries with yourself and others. 

  • Feel at ease with engaging in uncomfortable conversations.  

  • Understand how to set yourself a structure to plan and achieve realistic goals.

  • Learn how to deal with and manage stress.


You’ll have a clearer understanding of how your thoughts and feelings shape how you respond to life’s challenges. You’ll feel relieved because you will finally understand how honouring your values will create happiness and fulfilment in your life.  

You’ll feel more comfortable being in your skin and happy with your life choices because you will feel connected to your ‘north star.’

Be free to just be you without worrying about judgements or criticism from others. 


Dream Big. Play Big.


I understand that this all might seem overwhelming. Just the word ‘purpose’ sounds so big.  But trust that you have all the answers inside of you already, and I have the tools and skills to guide you to dig deep and find those answers.  

You might have read a lot of self-help books and tried a bunch of other things, such as changing your habits, and yet you still find yourself stuck.  

So how will this be any different? 

Well, for one, you’ll have someone to whom you’ll be accountable.  Someone to cheer you on. Someone who won’t tell you what to do or give you unsolicited advice.  You’ll have someone who will truly listen to your words and listen for what you say beyond your words.  

You can finally feel complete. Feel excited to get up in the morning. Feel inspired by your work and the people in your life.  And I’ll help to get you there.  

Invest in yourself today.


Are you ready to change your life and live your life on purpose?

Great! Let’s do this together.  Let’s help you create your perfect life.


Here’s what’s next.

Step 1. Click here to schedule a free consultation session.

Step 2. Once we’ve established that we are a great fit, we will schedule your first 90-minute discovery session.  

Step 3. I’ll send you the necessary paperwork to solidify our coaching partnership.  

Step 4. Woohoo!  You’re on your way.  I’m so excited to be by your side as you create your dream life.  


Have questions?

If you’d like to talk through any aspect of the program, send me an email.