Courage does not mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you.

Partnership Coaching

Purpose Alignment


Build a solid relationship that matters

What I’ve got for you.

Building a successful company through a partnership is not easy. You might have found an incredible business partner, started your dream company with a mutual vision, and soon after wondered “was this a good idea?”

The reality is, being in a business partnership can bring more challenges than wins. 

Most women don’t realize when entering a business relationship that the new business relationship becomes its own entity, separate from the individual partners and any personal relationship they share.

A nascent business partnership is like a newborn — a living, breathing thing that has to be fed, nurtured, and taught how to function in the universe. However, very few business partners treat it that way. They believe that their amazing idea and unique value proposition is enough to make the business successful. They get so focused on running the business that they neglect the relationship with their partner.

Here’s the catch: if we don’t manage the partnership itself, the chances of the business surviving are slim to none.

My coaching program ensures that your business thrives through an ongoing, supportive partnership.

What it’s going to do for you

“You can have the best idea, but your relationship is what will make it work.”

My goal is to make sure that your business not only survives but thrives together with your partnership.

My purpose is to support you in creating a partnership that will lead to a successful business and vice versa — a business that will foster a great relationship with your partner.


Imagine this…

You wake up every morning with butterflies in your stomach, knowing that your workday will consist of having fun with someone you care about.

The excitement about creating something together is mutual, and when you get together the chemistry is off the roof — you share the same passion and purpose for your work and you are continuously empowering each other to make a difference and have the impact you’ve set out to create.

You know in your heart of hearts that you’re in the right place with the right person, and you don’t hesitate to lean into that relationship. As in every relationship, there are occasional conflicts and disagreements. And when they arise, you smoothly navigate through them.

The chemistry is sustainable and trust is unshakeable, which allows both of you to expand your business horizons, innovate and reap the rewards of living your passion — both emotional and financial. So you keep waking up with your business partner in mind, thinking to yourself, “I can’t wait to work with her.” There is synergy in everything you do and your business keeps evolving. Your “professional marriage” has a long, bright future, and you can’t wait to experience it all.

If it sounds too good to be true, it doesn’t have to be! It would be my pleasure to guide you through my program and make that picture real for you.

Who am I

I’m a leadership coach who helps women create strong business partnerships based on trust and shared vision so that their businesses can thrive.

My personal experience has taught me that for a business partnership to flourish there needs to be alignment among the partners. When partners lack alignment — when the vision isn’t shared, when there’s no clear “why,” when the roles aren’t fully defined and there is a continuous lack of communication — it leads to tension, mutual blaming and doubt, and an ongoing, growing resentment of the other person and the partnership.

Through a combination of personal experience in business partnerships and investing in personal development, I discovered that business partnerships can work out only when purpose is shared, boundaries are set and respected, roles and expectations are clearly defined, and when there is a constant stream of communication and reinforcement of the company’s vision.

I am passionate about supporting women in running successful businesses through partnerships and ensuring they avoid the pitfalls of business partnerships that are all too common when mixing personal and business relationships.

I’ve been there so you don’t have to! By working with me you’ll get clarity on what’s gone amiss and what needs to be done to get you back on track.

Read more about my experience here.

This is how it works

6-month coaching program, which includes.

  1. 90-minute Consultation Call

    • Entry into the system

    • Discussing what you need

  2. 90-minute Discovery Session

    • Sharing individual stories

    • Defining the partnership

    • Uncovering the voice of your partnership

  3. Structuring the Partnership (4x60-minute sessions)

    • Alignment coaching

    • Understanding toxic communication and your natural default when in conflict

    • Setting boundaries

    • Having difficult conversations to hear what you’ve not been saying to each other

    • Defining external + internal roles

    • Setting expectations

    • Understanding what is impacting the partnership

  4. Action Plan and Completion (2x60-minute sessions)

Total of 8 Sessions

Need team coaching?

If you are part of a team or leading a team that’s lacking engagement and dealing with conflict, I can support you in improving team communication and transforming relationships.  

What you need to do next

If you’re longing to get back on track with your business and have a lasting relationship with your business partner, let’s chat!

Here’s how to get started

Step 1: Schedule a consultation call with me here.

Step 2: During our call, we’ll discuss your needs and desired outcomes.

Step 3: If we’re a good fit, I’ll send you a proposal.

Step 4: Our coaching adventure begins!

See what my clients have to say about me.