Courage does not mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you.

Why Coaching

Why Coaching?


Do you have a big desire to do something new for yourself but don’t know where to begin?

I can relate. I can practically hear the passion in your voice!

Do you stop yourself because of fear? What if you fail? What if things don’t work out the way you want?

At the same time, you know deep down that you want to take a leap. Are you tired of waiting and postponing? You may even know you’re stuck but don’t know how to get unstuck.

You are the perfect candidate for coaching!

My life experience has taught me a few things about how we humans operate and justify ourselves.

  • Each of us has big dreams and goals, but we’re scared to turn them into reality.

  • We do our research and look for advice, and then we stop. We put things off until we get so unhappy that we can’t function anymore. Then the cycle begins again. Every time we take no action and put off doing something about our dreams, we loose a little more of our self-confidence.

  • Our self–doubt becomes huge and the waiting game exhausting. It becomes hard to focus and make decisions. And the hardest part of it all is to stay motivated. We are not getting any younger!

  • We become anxious and search for answers to give us peace and clarity. We ask ourselves, where do I start? We haven’t got a clue!

But I believe you do know more than you think! I’m here to tell you: YES, YOU CAN! 

We all have an inner leader—the part of us that knows exactly what we need and want. That part is clear and all-knowing.

Our inner leader knows that we are perfect the way we are. Our lives are exactly as they should be in the moment, including wanting more for ourselves to be happy and fulfilled. 

Our inner leader knows our strengths, gifts, and talents, and our limitations. It also has compassion, patience, and gentleness. Our inner leader is always available and leads us to exactly what we need. All we have to do is trust it! 


Allow the voices that empower and motivate you to succeed!

Listen to the voice that is willing to take risks and live through discomfort in order to grow and become the best version of you. 

Let go of the sabotaging voices, the ones that keep telling you, “I should, I must, I can’t.”

Don’t obsess with changing who you are. You are perfect the way you are.

 Adopt this process:

  • Notice your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. Become aware of your current mindset. Remember, awareness creates knowledge. 

  • Make a choice. The knowledge you gain from observing your thoughts gives you power to choose. Who do you want to be? It’s your choice.  

  • Don’t be afraid to feel. Face your emotions directly. 

  • Do something different, something out of the ordinary that you’re not comfortable with. Discomfort creates change and growth. 

Allow yourself the opportunity to grow and live your best life.

Give power to the voice that encourages you, that says, “If I don’t try, I will never know,” that tells you failure is a way to learn, grow,and become better, the way to be Fully Alive In Life.

Give power to the voice that says, “If I don’t try, I will never know.”

Claim the life you want. Decide who you want to be. Take action to create the life you want!

Face your fears. Don’t let limiting beliefs decide your destiny.

Focus on what you love to do and on what motivates you. Focus on your ambition one task and one conversation at a time!

Breathe! Imagine inhaling the scent of flowers and blowing out a candle as you exhale. You can do this!